Von: 28. Sep, 2021 19:30
Bis: 28. Sep, 2021
Darf Geld nicht demokratisch sein?

# political system


Aaron Sahr spoke in his lecture about the ideal of an apolitical money and how this theoretical misunderstanding obstructs the potential for shaping democracy.

In academic and political debates, we habitually fall back on a traditional economic understanding of money, in which money appears as a neutral tool, an aid that facilitates the exchange of goods on markets. Politics is supposed to guarantee the functionality of this tool, but otherwise stay out of its operation. This ideal of an apolitical money is based on a theory that wants to understand money as a representation of past creativity – a concept of money that, strictly speaking, has long been outdated. The ideal of an apolitical money thus becomes an ideology, a theoretical misunderstanding that obstructs democratic potential.

Aaron Sahr, Foto:Rainer Schlautmann

Aaron Sahr during his lecture in the Live-In Lab, photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Aaron Sahr during his lecture in the Live-In Lab, video commissioned by the Institute for Art History of the HHU, project »beuys2021« - editing: project office »beuys2021« and raumlaborberlin.



distance-l8 - 1920
distance-l7 - 1602
distance-l6 - 1568
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distance-l4 - 1325
distance-l3 - 1164
distance-l2 - 1080
distance-l1 - 1024
distance-s1 - 799
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distance-s3 - 640
distance-s4 - 414
distance-s5 - 320