Von: 28. Aug, 2021 16:30
Bis: 28. Aug, 2021
Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Foyer
Reizwortmeditation und Diskurs-Disko

# political system


Pastor Leumund rapped hold-out slogans for the loopy under the sign of the toilet brush »The brown must go« as part of »Sculptural Democracy« – one of the few points on which there was unanimity during the heated discussions on the podium.

Pastor Leumund collects slogans of perseverance for those who have gone mad. To psychedelic hip-hop/electro tracks, discourse-disco anthems have emerged from this. The realdadaist itinerant preacher was a guest with the music-impro collective »Ufo Lindenberg« at »Sculptural Democracy« in the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus. The brilliantly danceable irritant word meditation is a collectively lived break with ways of thinking, language systems and behaviour patterns and explores the world of cracks in reason and understanding in an incomprehensibly unreasonable present.Source text)

Pastor Leumund

Pastor Leumund: Campaign propaganda of the Bergpartei, die Überpartei (B*) © Jan Theiler aka Pastor Leumund

Pastor Leumund with Ufo Lindenberg in the foyer of the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, video commissioned by the Institute for Art History at the HHU, project »beuys2021« – editing: project office »beuys2021« and raumlaborberlin.

distance-l8 - 1920
distance-l7 - 1602
distance-l6 - 1568
distance-l5 - 1440
distance-l4 - 1325
distance-l3 - 1164
distance-l2 - 1080
distance-l1 - 1024
distance-s1 - 799
distance-s2 - 720
distance-s3 - 640
distance-s4 - 414
distance-s5 - 320