Von: 26. Sep, 2021 16:00
Bis: 26. Sep, 2021
Politik als Science Fiction: Die Zukunft der molekularen Revolution

# political system


In her lecture, Katja Diefenbach addressed approaches to action and thinking of a homeless or xeno-Marxism that has become alien to itself, that no longer returns to any given meaning, and that was discussed on a trial basis under the name of »molecular revolution«.

The cycle of revolts and uprisings of the late 1960s was marked by the paradox of advocating intersectional and minoritarian scenarios of liberation and transformation in the terminologies of Marxism, which led beyond the horizon of Marxism. In particular, concepts of value, class and time underwent profound revisions that introduced difference, contingency, overdetermination and eventfulness into the thinking of the political and encouraged the discussion of capitalist economies primarily from the complex perspective of their reproduction, which extends across the entire social territory. In the process, Marx's dialectical interweaving of economic critique and revolutionary theory, in which the working class as a historical subject was always to be found in the place to which the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production pointed, was translated into more complicated figures of thought. Picking up different threads of such post-Marxist debates, approaches were discussed that redesign the relationship between capital and lifetime, economy and desire, value and libido. In doing so, the lecture focused on new theories of value in (post-)structuralism, deconstruction and Black Studies within the framework of selected samples. Against the increasing accusations that minoritarian politics are identitarian politics, that politics of desire are subject to the logic of competition and commodification, Katja Diefenbach debated with the audience about the future of molecular revolutions in which no autonomous I or We that wants to be the owner of its actions and meaning will be able to recognise itself anymore, and identification and commodification are forms of its failure or reintegration. In this sense, it was about approaches to action and thinking of a homeless or xeno-Marxism that has become alien to itself, that no longer returns to any given meaning, which was discussed on a trial basis under the name of »molecular revolution«.


Katja Diefenbach during her lecture in the Live-In Lab, Photo: Rainer Schlautmann

Katja Diefenbach at her lecture in the Live-In Lab, video commissioned by the Institute for Art History of the HHU, project »beuys2021« - editing: project office »beuys2021« and raumlaborberlin.


Europa-Universität ViadrinaMerz Akademie

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